falvkeji.com strives to serve as a compass to all those who are interested in legal technology in China. It provides orientation and guides you through the vast and dynamic landscape of Chinese legal tech companies and their services.
falvkeji.com 的目标是为所有对中国法律科技感兴趣的人提供一个指南针,为中国法 律科技界创造一个信息和新闻平台,同时致力于介绍在法律科技领域实现创新的企业及其服 务和产品。
Editors in Chief

Michael Wang
Michael Wang is an advanced student of law at the University of Heidelberg. He studied abroad at King’s College London and completed internships with various leading law firms. Michael is of Chinese parentage, but was born and raised in Germany. Beyond law, he is interested in legal technology and Sino-German relations.
王含德:就读于海德堡大学法学院。他曾在伦敦国王学院留学,并在多家知名律师事务所实 习。作为一名华裔他还对法律、科技和中德关系具有浓厚兴趣,并希望致力于推进中德法律 文化交流。

袁天宇 律师
RA Tianyu Yuan
Tianyu Yuan is a German qualified lawyer with academic backgrounds in law and robotics. He worked for leading international law firms in Frankfurt, Munich, London and Singapore. Tianyu is founder of two legal tech startups in the fields of digital legal education (LEX superior GmbH) and applied legal AI (Codefy GmbH). Besides, he has an academic interest in the automation of legal decision-making and was researcher at the universities of Heidelberg, Oxford and Cambridge.
袁天宇: 德国律师,具有法律和智能控制学的学术背景。袁律师曾在法兰克福、慕尼黑、 伦敦和新加坡的多家国际顶级律师事务所工作;此外还从事法律决策自动化的学术研究,曾 在德国海德堡大学、英国牛津大学和剑桥大学从事研究工作。他是两家德国法律科技初创公 司的创始人(LEX superior GmbH 和 Codefy GmbH)。目前袁律师是该两家公司的常务董事 和总经理。